Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My Paradox

Today's in service helped me realize I lost sight of the big picture. Instead of seeing the "balcony view," which would've helped me to make sense of chaos, I let my limited view (of what I wanted to see) taint my understanding of the things I can control and influence.

CONTROL... I've ALLOWED myself to see negativity in recent experiences, instead of the opportunities for growth. Too long have I been dancing to the tune of mundane managerial demands, instead of enjoying the " overall experience". Although I always knew that perspective is of my control, I've allowed my lens to be clouded with doubt . I think it's time I wiped it....and start seeing the beauty around me; by taking images that will empower and inspire change by example.

INFLUENCE....being an Assistant Principal does not mean taking the back seat. Although it is important to maintain loyalty to your surperior, it is equally important to remember that YOU CAN influence others while respecting their role. Recently, I've chosen to wait for growth to spontaneously occur by position (the Principal), however all I accomplished was the reinforcement of adversarial work conditions. How can I expect my teachers to "buy in" when I sold out to a respect a position. Instead of taking the back seat, I should focus on seizing the opportunity to develop a "partnership" with whom ever my Principal may be. I need to model this by making a commitment to develop a productive relationship with my boss that will support equality, critical thought, discussion, and sound decision making.

Looks like it's time for me to go back to the drawing board. Now how do I do all of that while taking care of my son...addressing my educational goals....and exploring my newfound love? The Paradox that is my life...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Ok Ms. D got the message...KEEP UP!

My inspirational someone reminded me to keep up with my blog and I guess she's right. Isn't nice to have someone special in you life? Someone that pushes you to be better, set higher expectations and goals....far beyond what you'd expect for yourself? I must admit it's pretty cool.

School's it going? Well I'll tell you in a few days. I am hoping for new opportunity to expand my knowledge through a new experience at a proven school. Not that I feel that the current school I am at is "unproven".....I do respect a lot of the dedicated professionals that are there....but I think I let the worst get the best of me.

The key lesson I learned as of "I" let it get this way (for me); and I need to regain the passion I once had to lead successfully. Thank god there's tomorrow. Thank god for giving me new inspiration....and she has a name :)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Will I able to keep this up?

Life has been good to me. As of recent I've been blessed countless times...making me appreciate every moment. I am truly excited for things to come....and try to live my life to the fullest. I've always wanted to keep a I guess I'll start off with this blog. Thanks Jonelle for the inspiration....though mines probably won't be half as entertaining as yours...

Times have been tough at my school....and more often than needed...I am surrounded by people who proudly carry negatively on their shoulders each day. They take pride in complaining...but never bring anything to the plate. They criticize those who do their best to makes things better. It really makes wonder how people can choose such a noble profession and lose sight of what is

How do you lose sight of that purpose? Why can't they see that "we" are all on the same team .. It really makes me wonder how I will be able to endure this struggle for another 30+ years.